Whoa- haven't kept up with the blog thing lately. I feel like we have been moving really fast just trying to keep up. Right now, both N and I are sick. Seems like a nasty cold is circulating. Hoping to be feeling better quite soon. In the meantime, Norah has been taking long naps (today was nearly 3 hours!) once I got her sleeping and all propped up so she didn't get congested while laying down. So I took the opportunity to write a birth plan.
Last week, I had an appointment with my midwife and she suggested that I write down my birth plan. I had been considering it anyway and it was just the push I needed to put everything into writing. It's also helping to get my mind of off the fact that we have about 7 weeks to go and baby G isn't head down yet (more on that later).
Let me preface this by saying that I had a relatively ideal birthing situation with N. Everything went very quickly, relatively smooth and with little to no complications. Although, I didn't have a plan. I went in mildly educated about a wide range of things and I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I would breastfeed. That's it. Looking back, I wasn't really prepared for some of the decisions we would have to make in a stressful and frightening situation.
Here's what I have. I'm shooting for a natural hospital birth with little interventions. I know it's possible and right for our family and situation.
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