Anyone who has been around since N was born knows that we have always used some sort of carrier with her. Moby Wrap, sling, Baby Bjorn and Ergo (our favorite!) to name a few. Not only do I enjoy the closeness with the baby/toddler but it saved my sanity while having a high needs baby. I learned how to nurse in it, hold my baby and still manage to go grocery shopping and occasionally make dinner.
We still wear Norah often, many times it is easier and more convenient than a stroller. Norah seems to enjoy the view, also. We anticipate wearing Baby G a lot (and still probably N, too).
I haven't decided if I'm going to give N this as part of her big sister kit or if we will wait until Christmas, but either way I couldn't wait to see how it looked before I wrapped it up. She will never remember, right? Haha.
I cut and sewed this in about two nap times (long ones because N has had a bit of a cold...). Honestly, it would have taken less time if I wouldn't have been too lazy to go find a crochet needle to turn the straps right side out. I used this tutorial.
I hope she continues to enjoy this! She seems to be just getting into playing with dolls and stuffed animals. I'm optimistic she will want to put her babies in it while we carry Baby G.
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