We have about 11 weeks until Baby G's anticipated arrival. While I know it is naive to think that we could ever be 100 percent prepared for life with 2 kiddos. There are a few things I have been doing or plan to do with N to prepare her for another person to share her mommy and daddy with.
1. In the next week or so, we are taking the unused crib out of her room and put it in G's future room. It will be replaced with a twin bed we already have. Although she never slept in it, she is accustomed to her room being set up a certain way. At this point, we plan to cosleep with both children until one of them lets us know they don't want to anymore. That being said, I'd like to try some naps in her own room.
2. We have been playing with dolls (okay, mostly her stuffed Mickey or Minnie). We call them baby, she pushes them in her shopping cart, places them in the mamaroo, and she has even learned how to "burp the baby." So proud of her.
3. I know she is young, but I think she understands a lot more than she is given credit for. She is such a quick learner. We read books about the new baby and talk about mommy milk, and generally try to get her excited for impeding changes.
4. I'd also like to make her a "big sister" kit for when the baby arrives. I'm thinking of sewing her a mini mei tai carrier. I'd also like to include a book or toy from the new baby. Anyone else done anything like this? I'd like to include more, but useful things!
Am I missing anything helpful to prepare her for the baby? Suggestions please!
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