Monday, October 14, 2013

Pregnancy- Glass Half Full

This past week has been a little rough. Nothing huge just a combination of some relatively unfortunate events involving pets, work, money, etc...coupled with the "end-of-pregnancy" symptoms and a toddler who is not sure if she wants her independence or not has me in just a negative mood. So I set off to write this post to complain. Seriously. I wrote a bunch of negative things about how uncomfortable I am, how N is whining constantly, I can't sleep...yada yada yada.

But then, I stopped when I felt Baby Gibson move. At the moment, I'm not uncomfortable. Norah is rolling the ball for Thor and she is giggling pretty loud (so cute!) whenever he brings it back (which is every. single. time. haha). I'm actually not feeling too tired and my cat gets to come home (healthy--er) tomorrow from the vet.

So I deleted it all...

I decided to write down all the things I love and will miss about being pregnant.

1. My hair is SO shiny, thick and soft. My fingernails are doing great and my skin is clear.
2. I don't have to change cat litter!
3. Getting to know this little life we created better than anyone else. I get to feel him move, kick and stretch. He reacts to our voices (especially his big sister!) and I get to experience all of it.
4. I don't feel bad about wearing yoga pants or leggings every day.
5. The anticipation of meeting our new family member, all the feelings of anxiety, fear, excitement and love that go along with it.
6. Seeing Norah snuggle up and fall asleep on my belly.
7. Getting to play "guess the body part" when lumps come poking out of my belly.
8. The sheer amount of food that I eat...without a ton of guilt. It is A LOT.
9. A continuous feeling of accomplishment. Ya know...I'm growing a person!
10. The heartburn, swollen feet and hands, sciatica, hip pressure, headaches and exhaustion won't last forever. In fact, it's quite short considering the amazing gift we will soon get to meet. I know I'll forget all about it when I see him.

My glass is MORE THAN half full.

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