Friday, July 19, 2013

DIY Cloth Diaper Detergent

So, we have been cloth diapering N since the beginning of time, her time anyway. Well, I've finally decided to try out some homemade cloth diaper detergent (also can be used on all other laundry if you have essential oils or soap for scent).

I found a few recipes but I knew I wanted to keep it super simple. I thought I would just try a small batch to begin. So I decided to just use this one found here. I spent about $28 on the 3 items. I've read that it will last for a long time, so I'm excited for some money savings!

Here's what it is for a small batch:

1 cup Super Washing Soda
1 cup Borax
1/2 cup Oxyclean

I mixed it all up and made sure to clean up super well. I know that Borax is often used as a household cleaning agent, but if it isn't rinsed properly it can be problematic for children and pets. I was really careful to not leave any of it around. I put it all in a quart size mason jar. Didn't take a photo yet though, had to do it quickly, nap time was coming up!

I just did my normal wash routine with a tablespoon worth of detergent.

The verdict: Lovely, fluffy and clean smelling diapers! I couldn't wait to put them away (which is unusual)! 

Although I've only used it once, it seems to do just great. I was also able to do less rinses! Which is another awesome way to save money, usually I do 4 and I only did 2 this time because I didn't see any soap suds. Bonus!

Anyone else make their own cleaners?


  1. Katie,
    I use this detergent for my family as well! We use it for our regular clothes as well as our cloth diapers. I love it, compared to the other cloth diaper detergent (which will go nameless) I use to use. I feel this detergent cleans the diapers better and I have saved money for my family. I have not noticed a decrease in absorbency in the diapers since using this combination. Oh and I love how you have a blog, how fun!

    1. Thanks, Osha! Do you use it on your other laundry as well?
