Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Pregnancy Update (24 weeks)

It's funny because as I was writing the title to this post, I had to look up how far along I was. That would have never happened with baby #1. I would have known down to the hour exactly how long until my due date. It's funny how different things can be between pregnancies. It certainly doesn't mean I'm any less excited, anxious, nervous, elated about this baby, but my life is certainly in a different place than it was the first time.

This time, I feel like the pregnancy is flying by! Sometimes I have to sit down and think about how close November really is (Hello! I only have 16 weeks!). There are so many things we still need/want to get done before then. Lots of house projects, baby projects and time to spend with N. Not to mention, the holidays will be quickly approaching right after and I would like to have a lot of those projects/shopping, etc. done before then too. Ahhh, overwhelming. But it'll all work out, because it always does.

I've discovered that babies don't really need that much, so we were able to pick up/or gifted a couple things that we would like to have for this baby and he should be all set (materialistically). For example, we bought another Ergo carrier because we used it so much with N and still do, it'll be helpful to have another. Additionally, we purchased the second seat for our stroller and another convertible car seat. We aren't going to go overboard buying "baby" accessories because we didn't use the majority of we had for N. Live and learn, I guess. I bought an Arm's Reach cosleeper used (we cosleep/bedshare) and I can't wait to set it up! Score!

Anyway, I thought it would be a lot of fun to compare photos of my belly at 24 weeks with N and the same with baby #2. I feel a lot different this pregnancy- emotionally speaking. I think I'm more prepared and thus able to enjoy it a little more. I'm also a lot more at ease about the entire experience of birth, so I'm just generally more relaxed.

It's interesting that a lot of people have commented on my size, how different I'm carrying, etc, but realistically I look very similar. What are your thoughts?

24 weeks #1

24 weeks #2